Al Maktabah
We love books and everything about them. We want to bring Arabic books for kids in Canada. This is our primary selection of Arabic books for kids of all ages. If you have suggestions for us, please drop us a word and we will try to add the book for our selection. All the books are available in Canada and ready to ship immediately.
The Memory Tree–شجرة الذكريات كتاب للأطفال$29.99
Ibn Rushd (ابن رشد (كتاب للأطفال$59.99
Ibn Khaldun -(ابن خلدون(كتاب للأطفال$69.99
Where’s My Tooth Gone? أين ذهبت سني؟$39.99
Mom is a Suitcase أُمي شنطة سفر$37.99
World Feast مائدة العالم$64.99
The Dream Vendor بائع الأحلام$37.40
My Special Story قِصتي مُميزة$35.99
I Love My World أحب عالمي$39.50
The Little Girl Who… البنت الصغيرة التي$37.99
Haddiya Lee: A Gift for Me هدية لي$37.99
Law Kuntu Taeran: If I Were a Bird$27.99
I Can’t Sleep-لا أقدر أن أنام$33.99